Sunday, August 22, 2010


Well, we are back in Kansas after an unbelievable good time on the road with Split Lip Rayfield, Hillstomp and the Reverand Horton Heat, not to mention celebrating our birthday and seeing some of this beautiful country we love.

beautiful sky of Kansas


A very big thank you to all the bands, and especially to the guys with Split Lip Rayfield who got us into all the shows, introduced us to many new friends and made our birthday one we will never forget.

Split Lip Rayfield
Wayne Gottstine, mandolin/guitar, Jeff Eaton, upright gas tank bass, Eric Mardis, banjo/guitar


Thanks for following our Birthday Road Tripp blog.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Santa Fe

August 19- Our Last Show

The Santa Fe, New Mexico drive was all Interstate, wanted plenty of time to get ready for the last show of our "Birthday Road Tripp"
What a great venue The Santa Fe Brewing Co was...we arrived and had a meal and visited with friends before the show.  This was an outdoor venue and early.

Split Lip went on stage about 7 pm and the final show of our Birthday Road Tripp began.

a fun evening with the boys
It was good seeing Tom & Dylan.

JonE, Dylan & Tom

Paul & Hoss

with Tom

the only set list I got

backstage shot of the Reverand

The evening ended with conversations with all the band members and them signing our tour shirts.

Autographed Tour Shirt
Now back to Kansas!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


August 17, 2010 - Day 12

Short drive from Tucson, we decided to take the scenic route.  Saw lots of different cactus along the way.


Then we did the Saquaro dance inspired by the Reverand Horton Heat song,
"There Ain't No Saquaro in Texas"


At 5 pm around the world a toast was made to our friend, Jim, celebrating his birthday.
It was 3 pm in Tempe.

Happy Birthday, Jim


A storm was brewing as we head out to The Marquee Theatre, Tempe, Arizonia.  Heard later there was also a big dust storm before the rain.

JonE getting things tuned up for SLR

Joel selling merch for the Reverand


Hoss getting things set for the Reverand


We see Hillstomp for the last time, they leave the tour after Tucson


Scott sells merch for Hillstomp


 Paul, drummer for Reverand Horton Heat, plays a set with SLR

                                                                 Reverand Horton Heat


Day 13 - August 18 - the road to Santa Fe

Today is a day of travel, we are skipping the Tucson show to cut our drive time to Santa Fe.  We took the scenic route and saw some more beautiful country.

Salt River

Headed to Santa Fe and our last show of the Birthday Road Tripp before heading home.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Day 10

  The next two days are pretty calm, mostly driving and motel stays, making our way to Tempe, Arizona.

Hot in Arizonia !

All the palm trees were wrapped with lights at our motel


Day 11

For all you Reverand Horton Heat fans we found the saquaro cactus in Arizonia

we really wanted to do the saqauro dance but..... 
where were Koko & Jeff when we needed them!
We'll dance in Tempe & Santa Fe.
Settled in Tucson, no show for us tonight they are in Ventura, decided to skip that show and meet with some friends we knew in Arabia.  So we had a mini reunion and talked for 5 hours, fun seeing Dorothy Moore and Carol Howell.

Dorothy, Myself, Kay and Carol


On to Tempe !!!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

San Diego

This was a day of traffic driving....traffic was very heavy. The drive from West Hollywood to San Diego, took us 5 hours to go a little over 100 miles.  We got out of traffic at one point and drove down 
Historic Highway 101 at Carlsbad.


Carlsbad Beach
We met our Great-Nephew, Anthony, who is stationed in San Diego with the Navy, at House of Blues for dinner.  Joining us there with three of his Navy friends.

Gabby, Anthony, Zeek and Ron
After dinner we headed next door to watch the shows:


Split Lip Rayfield

Reverand Horton Heat
Was pleasantly surprised that my friend, Brian Berry, was at the show!  Also, while shopping at the House of Blues gift shop discovered the sales clerk was from Wichita, now living in San Diego, and had been to String Break 2009!

Myself, Brian and Jeff

During the SLR set and playing "In the Ground", drummer for Reverand Horton Heat came out and played a snare drum.
We head east tomorrow and will meet up with the tour in Tempe, Arizonia on Tuesday evening.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hollywood Birthday

Friday, August 13th
Day 8 and our Birthday

Wow, we finally got out of San Francisco after an hour of bad navigation, don't know who to blame this one on.....we went thru a tunnel and came out on the other side of the world, everything was in Chinese....but we got back on track after an hour delay and arrived safely in West Hollywood, even got a room upgrade.

our Suite for the evening
Birthday dinner at the House of Blues tonight with, Jack Nesbit, Rick Villines, Rick's friend Dane, JonE, Jeff,  and Eric. (and I didn't take one picture of us)

49  -  61
After a great dinner at the House of Blues resturant we all went to the venue which was next door to see Split Lip Rayfield.   Said hello to everyone and got our spot on the floor to watch.

the boys playing 'The House of Blues in Hollywood'
Jeff announced our birthday during their set so we got more wishes from people in the crowd.

Junior here again tonight and so good to see G.J. again.


A good night hug from the best boys in the world.
Jeff, Mom Karen, JonE and Aunt Kay
What a great birthday memory for us and the 'Tripp' has been a blast, now on to San Diego.

Friday, August 13, 2010

San Francisco and a Visit with Family

Day 7 ---- began with breakfast at the hotel then a short drive over to Morgan Hill, California to visit with our 1st cousin, Dorothy Tripp Dowd who is 93 years old.  She shared lots of stories and pictures with us about our family.  She made us feel so good about being in this Tripp family.
visiting 1st cousin Dorothy 'Tripp' Dowd

Tonight in the Fillmore district of San Francisco, California we went to the Fillmore Theatre, where many bands have played, and watched our boys.  No pictures to post because we had to check our cameras for a fee, if you can believe that (well we got it waived with some talk and Jeff) but still couldn't take picture. 
The venue walls were covered with posters of past bands, maybe our guys will get on there.
The Reverend Horton Heat was filming their show for a DVD release celebrating 25 years in music.
We took the bus to the venue and met a man, Matt, from Austria who was visiting San Francisco, he was a law student grad living in New York.  He helped us navigate the bus ride with his Ipad.
bus ride with Matt

dinner at Taste of the Medeterranian

Split Lip Rayfield at the Fillmore
(Kay took with her Iphone)